The anti-ageing product approved by the experts

Within the skincare category, anti-ageing continues to evolve as a prime concern for consumers. According to Roy Morgan Research, in the year to June 2014, 13.3 per cent of Australians nominated anti-ageing benefits as an important feature when purchasing skincare products, and 27.1 per cent nominated moisturisation.

Targeting both benefits, Mary Kay® TimeWise Plus+™ Volu-Fill™ Wrinkle Corrector claims to act as a catalyst for skin revitalisation, filling in fine lines and retaining the skin’s moisture. BD’s Expert Panel was set the challenge of trialling the anti-ageing product, with 86 per cent noticing a visible improvement in their fine lines and wrinkles.

The trial also found 71 per cent of beauty experts revealed they saw instant results, with a further 71 per cent seeing a visible impact on crow’s feet, 43 per cent witnessing anti-ageing results on smile lines, and 15 per cent noticing a decline in forehead creases.

“[This is] the closest thing to Botox! Definitely worth a try for those looking to minimise wrinkles without the injections,” says Beauty Hacks blogger Michelle Ruzzene. “Also a great party product - I'd use before a night out to give my skin a smoother, plumper look.”

The trial found 71 per cent of participants would recommend this product to their readers for its anti-ageing benefits, with 71 per cent also revealing they would use the product again.

“Near instant results on all six areas of wrinkles, but more exciting is its longer term effect on even deep-etched lines,” adds The Beaute Buzz blogger Lisa Stueckradt.