Michael Brown talks talent management agencies

With more and more talent management agencies beginning to crop up on the Australian scene, it’s important for bloggers and make-up experts to find the right fit for them. Agencies can have different focus areas, so it’s worth signing on with one that has similar aims and ambitions.

Someone who knows this only too well is beauty expert Michael Brown, who is thrilled to announce he has just made the switch to MAXCONNECTORS. To find out more about joining the MAXCONNECTORS team, we managed to catch Brown for a quick Q&A...

What are the benefits of having agency representation?
Agency representation is a great way to cut out being the middle man when negotiating potential work, especially contracts. It’s nice to be the talent, doing what I do best, and let someone else take care of the financials. This is then great for keeping relationships strong and I also love that someone is actively promoting you through their networks as well as your own. In today’s world, promotion is key for being top of mind in your field.

How did you choose which agency to go with?
I have been with a couple of agencies before MAXCONNECTORS, [which] have [all] been great for different reasons, but I really wanted to get back into a beauty-targeted agency. Yes, their work branches out into lifestyle as well, but my other agencies gave me great connections and work across lifestyle, fashion and corporate. Now, I'm happy to be amongst a strong beauty portfolio. Plus, being attached to MAXMEDIALAB, who are strong with luxe brands and work on a strategic level, means this grows my resources for my business.

What was it about MAXCONNECTORS that appealed to you the most?
I have known the team personally for a long time - it appeals to me when I feel I can speak freely amongst peers and therefore can get the best out of our working relationship. I like what both MAXCONNECTORS and MAXMEDIALAB are about, [I] love their brands and feel it is a luxe influence I need in my business model. I look forward to doing a lot more presenter/host roles as well as strong collaborations with other talent and brands, as well as branching into lifestyle with MAXMEDIALAB.

How does working with an agency help with your day-to-day work life?
It helps my day-to-day life by being a support system. Because I came from a management background when at L'Oréal Luxe, getting out there, pitching, networking and day-to-day business is something I do well. But when it comes to certain brand relationships, campaigns, contracts and general financial aspects of my business, it is so much easier having a big support system and people knowledgeable in these areas to keep me as talent and not a negotiator.