P&G acquires organic period care startup

Procter & Gamble (P&G) has announced it has acquired This is L., a period care startup that manufactures organic pads and tampons.

The startup was established in 2011 by Talia Frenkel, a former photojournalist who worked with the Red Cross and the United Nations. While documenting global humanitarian crises, Frenkel witnessed first-hand the neglect of women’s sexual reproductive rights, as well as the effects of HIV/AIDS. Deciding to do something about it, she created a distribution campaign for condoms, which eventually expanded to include period products.

Although the business has evolved over time, one thing that hasn’t changed is its mission: for every product sold, another is made accessible to a girl or woman in need.

"L.’s purpose is to make essential products accessible to as many women as possible,” Frankel told Forbes. “We have experienced strong growth with a team of eight people, breaking barriers and making our line of organic products accessible in thousands of stores across the country. 

Our rapid growth has enabled us to now stand in solidarity with women throughout the world; from partnering with organisations to send period products to Native communities in South Dakota, to supplying pad-making machines to a women-led business in Tamil Nadu and funding industrial production units in Kenya to create reusable pads for school girls.”

The acquisition is expected to attract a whole new generation of consumers who are interested in a different type of branding that focuses on organic products with a social purpose.

“From our deep consumer research and understanding, we know that different consumers are seeking different product benefits,” P&G's Global Communications senior manager, Jennifer Corso, said.
“... We are focused on fueling the continued growth of L., and are committed to continue delivering the high quality, natural products that have earned the faith and trust of the L. consumer."