Why one beauty brand is comparing itself to Apple

With a focus on innovation and development, will roll out a new education consulting program this September, which will see graduates walk away as some of the best in the business. 

To find out more, Ultra Consult ANZ education manager Lynda Savic explains exactly why the Ultra Consult is a “gold standard approach” and reveals why Ultraceuticals is comparable to Apple.
What exactly is the Ultra Consult all about?
Ultraceuticals is proud to announce the nationwide roll out of a new gold standard approach to skin consultation. This new consultation process is known as a Skin Health Check and will provide all Ultra clinics with a modern approach to a traditional consult method.
Why was it created?
This new process has been designed to blend well known medical consultation techniques with the traditional beauty therapy consultations techniques. By blending these two forms of consultation methods together we have developed a modern, professional and fresh new approach to traditional skin consultation methods.
How is it different from other industry consults?
The most exciting point of difference in the Ultra Skin Health Check are the five new visual tools that have been created. All five tools assist the skin technician when educating the client on making the correct choices to gain RVR (real visible results) for their skin in 90 days. These tools have been very popular amongst skin technicians practising the new Ultra Consult process, and include the skin journey booklet, skin solution cards, treatment cards, product directory and product stickers.

What does Ultraceuticals hope to achieve with this unique approach?
The Ultra Consult process enables skin technicians to enhance their existing consultation skills with a modern and updated process. Our consultation process will provide a consistent professional approach using skills and tools that align more with a medical consultation method. Also, as part of the Nationwide Ultra Consult roll-out, we are very excited to provide all of our Ultra clinics with the opportunity to be accredited as a Certified Ultra Skin Health Check Clinic. This status will help consumers who are after real visible results to identify and know exactly which clinic to go to, for the most thorough skin consultation and advice.
When did the Ultra Consult start?
Dr Geoffrey Heber, our founder, has given our brand’s consultation method an advantage for years. Over five years ago, Dr Geoffrey Heber launched a five-step medical aligned consultation process known as the Ultra Consult. This process remains the foundation of the new Ultra Skin Health Check but now includes the addition of the five new visual tools.
How do you think this will change the industry?
We are all about raising the bar to the next level when it comes to skin consultation. I often explain to skin technicians and clinic owners that Ultraceuticals has a lot of similarities to the very innovative electronics brand Apple. While Apple is regularly innovating their technology to always be the leaders in offering a savvy consumer the most efficient and modern tools to stay in touch with the world, Ultraceuticals prides themselves on also being an innovative skincare brand offering a savvy skin consumer the most innovative skincare and now the most innovative consultation process method too. How many of us still have an iPhone 2 series? If you do, that’s fine, it still does the job; but those of us with a iPhone 7 are doing the same thing but in a more effective manner. Our dream of the new Ultra Consult Process being practised in every Ultra clinic nationwide is fast becoming a reality.

Image: Instagram.com/Ultraceuticals