Jennifer Aniston’s key to looking ageless

When you're named the "World's Most Beautiful Woman" 14 years after first earning the title, you know you're doing something right. Named People magazine's World's Most Beautiful Woman in 2004 and then again this year, Jennifer Aniston has credited  for her ageless beauty.

“I've got a healthy bag of vitamins I take three times a day, like Viviscal and your basic omegas and vitamin C. Good stuff," says the 47-year-old. On top of this, Aniston exercises for around an hour six days a week, as well as doing a spin-yoga class three days a week and cardio at home. "I'm taking care of the one body I have," Aniston told the magazine.

"Beauty has really changed for me over the years. It's really learning to love everything about yourself and also realising that it's not just clothes and what's happening [on your face], but there's so much more that's beautiful in a human being."

Aniston is not the only celebrity fan of Viviscal, with the brand boasting A-list clientele including Kate Hudson, Miley Cyrus, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Viviscal's Hair Growth Supplements are also a favourite with Hollywood’s elite.
