Following recent restrictions against posts promoting cosmetic procedures and weight loss, Instagram is now introducing yet another measure to help combat the ever-growing issue of negative body esteem.
According to a Facebook statement by Spark AR, the creator of Instagram Story filters, the social media giant will soon be “removing all effects associated with plastic surgery from the Instagram Effect Gallery,” as well as “postponing approval of new effects associated with plastic surgery until further notice.”
As for the reasoning behind this change, the company said it was simply re-evaluating its policies, as it believes the filters should be a positive experience for everyone.
What this means is that soon people will not be able to use Instagram filters to alter their appearance in any way that cannot be achieved using makeup. This includes the likes of drastically large lips, unrealistic cheek bones and differing nose shapes, among others. Faux freckles and wacky animals ears, on the other hand, will still be readily available.
The announcement has resulted in mixed reactions from the public, with Twitter users saying the change is a “step in the right direction,” but that “these things are not just black and white.” Others were on board, but argued that “for as long as some of the most-followed accounts on Instagram are of heavily surgically 'improved' people, removing surgery filters won't really change that much.”
In fact, a recent psychological study revealed that girls and young women who spend a lot of time on social media are highly more likely to want a cosmetic procedure, explaining that increased social media use has been related to more body image concerns and eating disorders. It also suggested that "Instagram is one of the most detrimental social media platforms for young people’s mental health and wellbeing."