Instagram tests out new Creator Accounts

After realising that traditional Instagram business profiles didn’t meet all the needs of users like influencers and public figures, Instagram has decided to test out new Creator Accounts.

A small group is currently testing the accounts, which have creator-specific features, such as insights to help them track their growth, including follows and unfollows, across the Instagram feed, stories and IGTV.

According to Influential CEO, Ryan Detert, any move that allows creators to share statistics with brands and informs brands what their audiences look like is a positive move. Currently, non-verified influencers can only share data by capturing screenshots.

Activate CEO, Kamiu Lee, agreed, saying, “More tools to access growth insights are going to be a huge win on the side of influencers if done right. By being able to easily see statistics around follower growth, content creators will be able to better pinpoint content that’s resonating with viewers.”

The new accounts also include options to enable account holders to sort by read, unread and flagged, as well as filters to manage Instagram Direct messages and prioritising pending requests by relevance or time. Additionally, optional labels will be available, enabling creators to provide contact information and to assign categories.

There will be no changes to how end users view content from Creator Accounts, other than optional call-to-action buttons for emailing or calling.