Michelle Phan’s six steps to being a successful vlogger

She may now have her own YouTube network and make-up line, but things weren’t always so rosy for vlogger sensation Michelle Phan. In 2008, Phan was earning just 25 cents a day from her video blog as a member of YouTube’s partners program which shares advertising revenue with creators.

Within a year of joining YouTube’s program, Phan was making $50 a day - enabling her to be able to quit her day job as a waitress and spend more time creating content and building fans. Over 4.5 million YouTube followers later and it seems Phan may have known a thing or two about breaking through the clutter to succeed in the vlogging industry.

Likening the path to success to a road trip, Phan has revealed to Forbes the six steps to making it when it comes to vlogging.

Step 1: Know your vision

Just like you wouldn’t set out on a road trip without knowing if you are going east or west, you have to know what you want to accomplish. I knew I wanted to inspire women and build confidence, so everything [from that point on] was built around that goal.”

Step 2: Find the right vehicle

Pick a car, whether it’s a Prius or Mercedes, but you have to make a commitment.” By this, Phan is advising to focus on one or two social media platforms rather than trying to have a presence everywhere.

Step 3: Identify potential co-pilots

Whether it’s a business partner, friend, or online fanbase, you need to have someone to bounce ideas off of and seek advice. It’s lonely to do it alone. I get so much help from my fans who tell me what they like and what they don’t.”

Step 4: Optimise your fuel

You have to know your motivation and determination to keep going. It’s not always easy.” It’s important to constantly reassess whether you’re still on the right path to your original goal or if you’re just wasting fuel. For example, Phan has dreams of illustrating a children’s book, but realises that how-to videos and her make-up line are more appropriate for her initial goal of building confidence in women.

Step 5: Scan the road

You can’t just look at what’s right ahead of you. You always have to look at what’s also on the side of the road.” Rather than just focusing on what is hot today, it’s a good to keep on top of future trends and emerging styles.

Step 6: Be prepared to alter your route choice

You never know what is ahead on the road - it is impossible to map out everything as unforeseen obstacles are likely to appear. I don’t plan a year-out. I mean, a year ago, no one was really using Instagram, and now everyone is. So you can’t predict a lot of what is going to happen.”