Boss Hunting and The Versatile Gent launch media company

Men’s luxury lifestyle websites The Versatile Gent and Boss Hunting have joined together to create Luxity Media. 

The two publishers will continue to work separately, but use Luxity Media as a means to give advertisers a wider reach across both platforms. 

Speaking with Mumbrella, Boss Hunting’s publisher Jake Slade emphasised the benefits the two sites would have if combined: 

“We knew that budgets would be better spent if we co-produced a better quality product for our clients, and proved it at the end of 2017.

“Rather than compete, we decided to work together to maximise impact and reach on competitive budgets. With the addition of Instagram influencers, the men’s lifestyle space has become increasingly contested in recent years and we found ourselves pitching for the same work, with fragmented budgets time and time again.”

Both sites have already worked with the likes of American Express, Adidas, Audi, Johnnie Walker and Range Rover.

Since uniting, Luxity Media is claiming 930,000 website page viewers, 12.43m collective impressions on Instagram and 3.84m unique users on Facebook.