Ageist Marketing

The ugly truth about ageist marketing

As of June 2022, more than 55 per cent of Australia’s population are aged 35 years and over. Considering this demographic is wealthier than Gen Z and younger Millennials, you would assume that it would be a marketers dream target.

Sadly, this is the same demographic that is widely misrepresented in the beauty space, however, that does mean there is a huge opportunity for growth and potential.

As we all know, the beauty industry is well known for pushing its anti-ageing aspirations and desires on women - especially those over 30 - promising youth in return for dollar signs. Brands have guaranteed to restore, reverse or undo the signs of ageing, and every year, we see new products appear on the market that claim to give youthful skin.

This year, things are shifting. Mature consumers are no longer interested in seeing polished, rendered images of models using products promising flawlessness. Instead, these consumers are interested in authenticity and want to see what a product will look like on skin that has texture, acne, discolouration and wrinkles.

This gap is a great opportunity for advertisers, as currently, “The biggest mistake we are making is not really representing older people at all, even in categories that serve an older as well as a younger demographic,” said a marketing executive in an interview for thedrum.

In a recent study, 44% of women found advertising to be patronising and playing into negative stereotypes. Which is why Trinny Woodall, the founder of the successful beauty brand Trinny London, sticks by her ethos of never using professional models for her marketing campaigns. Demonstrating that consumers are ready to welcome the much-needed change, with a focus on graceful ageing, authentic representation, and a demand to adjust the language around ageing.

The demand to disrupt perceived beauty standards and become more inclusive is in this year. It’s time to forget the stereotypes and consider what our consumers are telling us, to better market products, increase satisfaction and overall profitability within the beauty sphere.