Get your Christmas beauty prep sorted

Whether you’re driving home for Christmas to see family, or heading out to glitzy parties to see old friends over the festive period, no doubt you’ll want to look your best.
Here The Face Place takes us through their top five beauty treatments to have you looking and feeling your best this festive season - especially for those under-the-mistletoe moments.

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Party Lips
As we age, our lips get smaller, and lots of people are born with lips that are small compared to the rest of their face. While many women these days are aware of using dermal fillers to enhance the lips, there are many more options and sneaky tricks that an experienced and artistic clinician can utilise to enhance lips, while retaining a beautifully natural look.
Balance and harmony are important for attractiveness in the face - especially when it comes to the eyes and mouth. “The ideal lip balance is that your lower lip should be bigger than your upper lip by a 1:1.6 ratio (the ‘Golden Ratio’ of beauty) and the height of your lips should be approximately the same as the vertical size of your eyes).” Dr Catherine Stone. A great clinician will understand balance, harmony and proportion, and will discuss this with you as part of your assessment.
The most common lip enhancement request is for bigger lips, and this can be achieved a number of different ways. Dr Catherine Stones describes the dermal filler techniques like a cross between painting and sculpting “we paint the product in with a tiny needle, and then we sculpt and mould it to how we want it to sit. It’s important that your clinician considers and explains the balances and proportions in your face, looking not just at your lips, but also at your eyes and other features, and how they all balance. Some clients might benefit from a tiny amount of dermal filler through the border to refresh the ‘crispness’ of the lip border and soften a few tiny lines that are starting to develop, someone else might need just a little through the central lower lip to enhance the balance of the lips, and another person might need ‘struts’ of filler to help hold their upper lip up as it is very thin. Part of the art of this technique is tailoring treatment to each individual”.

The Vampire Breastlift
The Vampire Breastlift uses a combination of fillers and PRP (the healing parts of your own blood) to enhance the cleavage area of the breasts - that area where we noticeably lose more volume as we age, creating a 'saggy' appearance to the breast. Treating the cleavage area specifically rounds the 'upper pole' (the part of the breast visible in bras and bikinis) and can help 'lift' the breast in a 20-30 minute procedure, without any surgery. This non-surgical breast lift does not replace breast implants, and in fact is often used to soften the ripples and hollows in the cleavage area of those who have existing breast implants. Specific techniques can also be used to improve nipple sensation and in some cases 'pop out' inverted nipples.

When administered by an experienced and artful clinician, Botox® can be used subtly to make natural and beautiful changes to the face. Millions of men and women have used Botox® for many years to relax frown lines, forehead lines, crow’s feet and bunny lines, but it can be expertly used for so much more with an experienced injector. Botox can be administered to lift and shape the brow area, widen eyes, slim the face, reduce tension headaches and migraines, reduce the damage done to teeth as a result of jaw grinding, minimise ‘gummy’ smiles, relax chin puckering, and improve an uneven or 'gummy' smile. Botox® can also help you look and feel less stressed at one of the busiest times of the year.

Microdermaplaning improves the skin’s appearance by removing the top layers of dead skin through a fine planing procedure. This is a safe and painless way of exfoliating the skin’s dead cells in addition to removing the fine ‘peach-fuzz’ hair we have on our faces. Microdermaplaning softens, smooths, and improves irregularities, giving the skin a silky texture. It’s also the perfect treatment to ensure your makeup sits flawlessly on your face all summer long.

The Vampire Facial Plus
The Vampire Facial® Plus is our innovative treatment developed at The Face Place. It combines e-Dermastamp (EDS) with Hydrating HA solution (HA) and Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP). EDS has been clinically proven to induce skin rejuvenation with collagen repair. The EDS creates tiny micro channels in the skin to allow penetration of the PRP and HA into the ideal layer of the skin to maximize regeneration and repair. The HA boosts and hydrates the skin where it most needs it, improves recovery and also provides a platform for the platelets to work more effectively. Results are more than you see with the individual treatments. Skin becomes clearer, thicker, softer and more luminous.