Does daily sunscreen use reverse sun damage?

The benefits of wearing SPF are widely known, but a new study is suggesting that there’s one more compelling reason to put on sunscreen: it can reverse sun damage. 

A study published in the Dermatologic Surgery journal – called “Daily Use of a Facial Broad Spectrum Sunscreen Over One-Year Significantly Improves Clinical Evaluation of Photoaging” – has found that applying a broad spectrum sunscreen daily may visibly reverse the signs of existing photo damage. 

The year-long study saw 32 subjects apply a broad spectrum photostable sunscreen (SPF 30) to the entire face. Assessments were conducted through dermatologist evaluations and subjects' self-assessment throughout.

Ultimately the study showed that “all photoaging parameters improved significantly from baseline as early as Week 12, and skin continued to improve until week 52.

“Skin texture, clarity, and mottled and discrete pigmentation were the most improved parameters by the end of the study (40 per cent to 52 per cent improvement from baseline), with 100 per cent of subjects showing improvement in skin clarity and texture.”

While this may be the first study of its kind, it’s promising to hear that while sunscreen prevents ageing, it may also now reverse its effects.