The blogger brands are falling in love with

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After creating her blog as a hobby almost two years ago, last month saw Sarah Jane Young’s blog She is, Sarah Jane reach just under 90,000 views. And it’s not just her blog that’s gaining major traction, the editor-in-chief has also hit 22,000 followers on Instagram. With numbers like these, it’s no surprise that Young has begun attracting the attention of major brands. Here, beautydirectory discovers how Young got her start in blogging, what part Leigh Campbell played in her career, and signing on as the ambassador for beauty brand Dr. LeWinn's.

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What made you decide to be a blogger?

It wasn’t a conscious decision at the time when I first created my blog. I created my blog initially to serve as a portfolio of my work and interests – writing, photography, beauty and fashion. Over time, I started to see my numbers grow and eventually, I started to get busy enough that I could justify the jump into full-time blogging.

Why do you think your blog has received such success?

I would like to think it’s a combination of two things, hard work and my consistent and genuine voice throughout my posts.

Do you have another job on top of blogging?

I now blog full-time. In fact, I am coming up to the first anniversary of SISJ in August after resigning from my marketing manager position last year. I also work as the fashion and beauty editor for Latte magazine and run my husband’s website and online business.

What were you doing before becoming a blogger?

My background is advertising and marketing. Before my world became all-about SISJ, I was working as the marketing manager for a hair and beauty company. Prior to that position, I was working with a leading Australian fashion label as their e-commerce manager.

What attracted you to writing about the beauty industry?

It was actually a who”. That who is the very beautiful and talented Leigh Campbell from Cosmopolitan magazine. For many, many years I have admired Leigh’s writing and just wanted more than anything than to one day do her job. I was lucky enough to intern with the beauty team at Grazia magazine in London two years ago, and well, here I am.

When it comes to beauty, how do you look to source content?

I look in the mirror and there it is. I actually choose not to read other blogs for this exact reason. I have so many ideas and topics to talk about on my own, that I don’t want to be deterred by what others are doing or saying. I am confident enough now in my writing and skills to report on these topics, to trust in my own judgement and creativity.

How did you learn your beauty skills?

I don’t know that it is a learnt” skill, I would say it’s more about constantly working to improve my writing. With beauty, it’s all about being as descriptive and authentic as you can, to engage your readers. I try and avoid big and fancy words and share with my readers how it really is – what I like and what I don’t.

Is the beauty industry all about lattes and lipsticks?

While my job does appear to be very glamorous and there are many, many perks, a lot of hard work and dedication goes into the end result. The important stuff for me is what goes on behind the scenes, not sipping on bubbles at a fashion runway event (although this is pretty fab!). The pressure to deliver the best content I can every single day and providing a space like no other blogger is very real. It’s a competitive industry, but I love every single second of it – so thank you to those who support me and read what I have to say.

What is your number one tip to brands wanting to work with bloggers?

Do your research. A brand’s choice to work with a blogger is really no different to any other form of advertising or reach. Essentially, we are a brand. We know who our readers are, we know what they want and respond to. My perspective on this could be this way due to my background in marketing, however, it’s more or less the same. Is this person genuine, does this person listen to their readers and is their image and content the right fit with your product or brand?

How did your partnership with Dr. LeWinn’s come about?

I was approached a while ago through my blog about being part of the Dr. LeWinn’s brand. With a leading dermatologist as my mother-in-law, the pressure for great skin in our house is on. I am thrilled to be part of the brand.

Why did you choose Dr. LeWinn’s to partner with?

After thoroughly researching the brand and the science behind the products, I was sold. The funny thing is, I am married to the family of doctors and specialists, so I am very used to dealing in fact. While their influence is evident, I’ve always shared the belief that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I affiliate myself with brands and products that are trustworthy and that work, so this partnership works seamlessly.

Have you always been a fan of the brand?

Not until recently. This didn’t have anything to do with the quality of the product, but more about my naivety and lack of knowledge about using the right skincare. When I was younger, I would see my mum use it and just assumed it was for ‘old people’ – sorry mum. Since then, I have obviously developed a better understand of my skin and its needs. I also realise the importance of preventative skincare and how to maintain youthful appearance. I have loved all the Dr. LeWinn’s products I have used and they are definitely here to stay.

What is the best thing about the Dr. LeWinn’s brand?

Its diversity. I love how vast the range is, there is something for every skin type. If you’ve read all my posts about the Dr. LeWinn’s products, you will know my simple philosophy about maintaining good skin - listen to it. Our skin is forever evolving and therefore so is our treatment.  

What do you like about the Dr. LeWinn’s brand?

Its credibility and of course the results I see after using the products.

If you weren't working in lifestyle writing, what would you be doing?

I don’t even want to think about it! My dream was always to work for myself and create something that could grow with me. SISJ didn’t just happen. I identified my skills and talents and pursued what I love to do. I’m not a ‘what-if’ kinda gal.

Dr. LeWinn's

Carousel image credit: Ministry of talent.