Welcoming wellbeing’s bright young thing: Sami Bloom

With #fitspo and wellbeing warriors flooding social media, it seems the wellness space in Australia is on the up and up. But standing out from the crowd can be a tough task when competition is so fierce. Wellbeing blogger Sami Bloom is living proof that with the right passion and strategy, success in the health world can be achieved. With 12,700 Instagram followers and a legion of dedicated blog readers following her every move, Bloom talks to BD about her blogging plans and foray into beauty:

What inspired the creation of Health & Bloom?
I had just finished a law degree and was about to enter a career that was no longer ‘me’. Having gone through my own health roller-coaster, living in New York and Laguna Beach, I had made some drastic lifestyle changes that revitalised my health and ignited my passion for wellness. With the intention to learn as much as possible about health, yoga and a clean lifestyle, I set out to complete my yoga teacher training and a Bachelor of Health in Nutrition. I hoped to help myself, but soon found that I was bursting to share that knowledge with everyone else, as my journey continued to evolve. Spreading the idea that a healthy lifestyle is about so much more than how you look – it is about how you feel, it is about longevity, and it can be delicious and fun as well – is what fuelled my blog in the [beginning], and it is what I hope to continue to inspire [people with] today.

What is the key concept of the site?
I hope to show people how interconnected our health is with our food and our lifestyle choices, but that healthy eating and a clean lifestyle isn't about eating rabbit food, slogging away at the gym, and saying no to social events to stick to personal health goals. [Instead,] that it can be tasty, liberating, colourful and exciting!

What kind of content can readers expect?
Everything from healthy plant-based, sugar-free recipes, to my own personal food and lifestyle philosophies and experiences, nutritional theories, Q&As with experts, healthy getaways, and natural lifestyle product recommendations and reviews.

Do you have any plans to expand into YouTube?
It's something I've thought about, but with finishing my last year of clinical practice I don't think it is on the cards in the near future. I really want to focus on making my blog the ‘motherboard’ for my content, and then will see where that takes me.

Do you have any plans to expand into more beauty/exercise content?
I would love to share more of my passion for yoga, and maybe put up some easy at-home sequencing videos ([I] guess I will have to expand to YouTube after all!). I also am finally finding natural beauty brands that I have trialled and love. I am a firm believer in treating our skin just as nicely as we treat our digestive system, as toxins are just as readily absorbed through the skin (our largest organ). As I learn more about ingredients and trial products, I will definitely be sharing my findings.

Where do you hope the site will be in a year?
I will be finished [with] my studies and will be a fully qualified nutritionist by then so it will have a lot more content, harnessed from my knowledge of health but also my experience with clients. I'll be doing an aesthetic overhaul to make recipes print-friendly, offer a section with my consulting details, have some free helpful resources such as printable posters and worksheets, and hopefully a shop section will be underway, where I offer my own guides and products!

Who do you currently admire or seek inspiration from in the wellbeing industry?
I love Kimberly Snyder, Rich Roll, and Rachel Brathen (author of Yoga Girl) for their well-informed health philosophies, passion and positive messages. I think Elsa's Wholesome Life and Taline Gabriel come up with delicious plant-based creations and capture the most incredible images!

What is your preferred social media channel for Health & Bloom?
Instagram has been my main focus, but I am definitely getting into Snapchat and love the authentic, in-the-moment nature of it.

How important do you feel social media channels are for your brand?
My brand really launched through Instagram so it would be fair to say I think it has been instrumental. Social media has helped grow my network and connect with an audience that without it I wouldn't have been able to reach as easily. I love that it connects us globally, and that it fosters a community of health-nuts and foodies! Traditional forms of media, like books or magazines, don't allow for that casual interaction where someone can directly contact you via commenting on a picture to ask your opinion on something. My goal is to showcase more than just food, I want to share a clean and colourful lifestyle that inspires others daily to make healthier choices, and I think a quick upload or longer post via social media helps to do just that.

What is key to growing a social media following for a wellbeing brand?
It goes without saying that authenticity is important. With all the social media personalities out there, it seems like there is no way you can stand out, but the truth is, no one can be you better than you! Bringing your own unique flair is what makes people connect with you. I think being well-informed and confident in your decisions is important, it shines through the screen when you know what you are talking about! I also believe it is crucial to only recommended brands and products that you have trialled, trust and believe in. Don't waste your audience’s time or money – it cheapens your own brand and seems disingenuous. You have to offer your audience real value and treat them as your close friends.