Move over acai, Instagram's new 'it' ingredient explained

If you have seen bright-blue hued smoothies and breakfast bowls on Instagram recently, it's probably thanks to a new trending ingredient called Blue Majik. 

Looking past the psychedelic name, Blue Majik powder is a form of microalgae spirulina, a proprietary extract of the blue-green algae Arthrospira plantensis, and its bright-blue hue is natural. While it has been stocked in health food stores for years, its recent resurgence comes from the absolutely insta-worthy colour it adds to people's meals, as well as the extreme health benefits that come with its consumption. 

Sky-hued and electrolyte-filled, Blue Majik is extraordinarily nutrient dense. Rich in antioxidants, it has even been lauded as one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet thanks to the addition of blue algae. 

For the record, blue algae contains:

  • 22 times more iron than spinach
  • Five times more beta-carotene than carrots
  • Six times more antioxidants than blueberries
  • Six times more calcium than milk

While it isn't recommended to be taken on it's own (as it is algae, the taste isn't pleasant), added to food it's the perfect way to ensure that you're getting the necessary nutrients; especially if you are vegetarian or vegan. 

With high levels of vitamin B12, vitamin A and iron, it makes the perfect supplement for this who have difficulty getting enough B12 and iron from a plant-based diet.