BD Fast Five: Rachel Winter

This week, we interviewed the gorgeous Rachel Winter and got the lowdown on her beauty must-haves and 'treat yo self' destination. Get to know Rach in our Fast Five below:


1. What three beauty products could you not live without?

SPF face moisturiser, medium-full coverage foundation and natural lip liner


2. What is one beauty secret you wish you’d known earlier?

Lining your lips! I only learnt this in the Kylie Jenner phase and it has changed my life forever! My lips look so much better when they are defined and look a bit more plump.


3. Beauty-wise how do you like to treat yourself and where do you go?

I love getting a Microdermabrasion Facial at  Viaduct! My skin feels so moisturised and leaves a beautiful dewy finish. Also when I have the time I get a deep tissue massage at Lanree Aesthetics in Parnell to relax those tense muscles from sitting at a desk all day!


4. What is your favourite fragrance and why?

I change my perfume all the time! At the moment I am using  Decadence Eau de Parfum and Daisy Eau de Parfum on alternate days. Some past favourites have been Dior Hypnotic Poison, Victor & Ralph Flowerbomb and the pink Chanel Chance.


5. On a social media note, how do you deal with negative comments and what advice would you give to others?

Ever since overcoming some darker times in my life I learnt that those who post negative comments and have no support for who you are tend to be battling some huge insecurity issues and use this as a method to feel better. I truly believe that anyone who is confident and happy would never drag a person down & cause negativity. I am lucky and never seem to get too many negative comments but if I do - I know that the person doing this is not in a good place to upset others. I advise others to have this mentality so that they are not hard on themselves and instead feel sorry for the negative person posting the comments in the first place. It says a lot more about them than it does about you trust me! Each negative comment I get only inspires me to be nicer to others.