NZ: Cricketer launches skincare brand

Former New Zealand cricketer Dion Nash has taken his eye off the ball to launch a male skincare company this week called Triumph and Disaster.

Inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s poem If that talks about meeting with Triumph and Disaster”, Nash says the poem’s deeper message is about humility and risk and great lessons about how to live your life. It tied in with what I wanted to do with a brand targeting the average bloke.”

Nash continued, "It's about doing things right to set you up for the day. The idea is you should clean, shave and protect your face in the morning. If you do those things before leaving the house, you'll give yourself every chance of dealing with triumph and disaster over the course of the day."

The products are traditional and include an old-fashioned shave cream to be used with a brush, a shearing soap, a face moisturiser and some skin cleansers.

Shaving and grooming is something we should be proud of. I was looking for a market positioning where the average guy doesn't feel embarrassed about grooming - or feel like he has to be some Greek Adonis," says Nash.