Twitter rolls out 280 character limit

Twitter has announced that it will be rolling out the new 280 character limit to all users. 

In a media statement from the company, a number of details about last month's trials were revealed, including that most users still kept below the 140 character limit despite being given more flexibility with words.

“We saw when people needed to use more than 140 characters, they Tweeted more easily and more often. But importantly, people Tweeted below 140 most of the time and the brevity of Twitter remained," the statement said.

This also addressed the concern that Twitter timelines would be filled up with longer Tweets, but the data revealed that, in fact, only 5 per cent of the Tweets sent during the trials were longer than 140 characters. Only 2 per cent were over 190.

“As a result, your timeline reading experience should not substantially change, you’ll still see about the same amount of Tweets in your timeline," the statement assured.