Apple’s new update is designed to help your phone addiction

Apple wants to stop you spending so much time on your phone, and is introducing new features in its next update to help you do so. 

With a new feature available in iOS 12 – aptly named ‘Screen Time’ – iPhone users will be able to see a breakdown of how much time they have spent on their phones. This can then be broken down into how much time is spent on each app. 

If the amount of time you’re spending on Instagram is alarming, you will be able to set a time limit on app usage. A notification will pop up when you’ve neared your allotted time, and Apple hopes it will help users be more mindful of how much they are using their phones.

"With Screen Time, these new tools are empowering users who want help managing their device time and balancing the many things that are important to them," Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering Craig Federighi said in a statement.

Further, if you're not able to switch off before bed, Do Not Disturb has a new bedtime mode that stops notifications from appearing on the lock screen during set hours. Instead of a lock screen filled with notifications, it shows a dim display with just the time and date.