Forget turmeric lattes, broccoli coffee is the new ‘it’ brew

Scientists have created a new way to eat more greens; and while it isn’t as trendy as the green powder you can buy at your local health food store, it is effective. 

The product in question is a broccoli powder developed by agriculture group Hort Innovation in collaboration with the CSIRO. Every two tablespoons of powder – which can be stirred into liquids like coffee or smoothies – contains about one serve of broccoli, which is a good source dietary fibre, vitamin B6, vitamin E, and manganese.

Ultimately, it was designed to reduce vegetable waste and increase veggie intake by creating healthy food products from “ugly” produce.

“Research shows the average Australian is still not eating the recommended daily intake of vegetables a day, and options such as broccoli powder will help address this,” said Hort Innovation chief executive John Lloyd.

CSIRO’s lead researcher on the broccoli powder project, Mary Ann Augustin, added that “The powders are an option for farmers who want to produce value-added vegetable ingredients for the lucrative functional food markets.

“The CSIRO team and Hort Innovation are discussing potential commercial applications with produce growers and grower groups across Australia who are interested in getting the powder on the market.”

If you’re desperate to try what will inevitably be the new best thing in wellness, there’s a cafe in Melbourne that’s begun stirring it into its coffee.