Beauty editors share their New Year resolutions

The New Year inspires all sorts of resolutions from daily morning runs to financial crackdowns, all with the best intentions. But beauty-wise, these are the resolutions editors are vowing to keep in 2019.

Clean out old makeup – Megan Bedford | Fashion Quarterly, Miss FQ, Australian Women's Weekly & beautyheaven Makeup and Fragrance Editor

"I’m not quite into hoarders territory, but I definitely need to follow my own advice about the expiry limitations on my makeup products! I missed the boat on spring cleaning my makeup cabinet but there's no excuse not to over the break! I hold on to some things much too long, even though I haven’t used them in months..."

Floss every day without fail – Lucy Slight | beautyheaven Body & Health Editor

"I think I make flossing a subconscious resolution every year, yet I only ever manage to keep it up for a maximum of a week. There’s nothing I begrudge more than my night-time beauty routine (can’t my face and teeth just clean themselves?) but I know my future self – and my present dentist – will thank me for taking my oral hygiene regimen to the next level."

Dry body brushing – Tracy Davis | New Zealand Women's Weekly and beautyheaven 40+ Editor

"I want to reap the benefits of smoother, softer, more toned looking skin that comes from regular body brushing. I do it but only sporadically so my New Years resolution is to put aside 10 minutes every morning before jumping into the shower. I'd better adjust my alarm clock!"

Take my vitamins! – Erin Berryman | BEAUTYDIRECTORY & beautyheaven Editor

"I boast a pretty impressive line-up of vitamins, but more often than not, I forget to take them! In the past when I've religiously taken them, I've definitely noticed a difference from energy and mood to my skin health and hair. I'm subscribed to Vitally with a tailored prescription for my needs and concerns so I don't really have any excuse not to take them! My pack contains magnesium to help with sleep, zinc and evening primrose oil for better skin, spirulina for energy, probiotics for a healthy gut and fish oil for brain function."

Hair mask once a week – Amy Houlihan | Woman's Day & beautyheaven Celebrity Beauty Editor

"Make the time to do a hair mask once a week. I’ve noticed my hair changing after having two babies and after a solid 25 years (OMG) of colouring it. Stylists always herald the immense benefits of a weekly treatment for the look and health of locks, so I’m vowing to make it part of my routine in 2019."

Wear sunscreen every day – Emma Gordon | BEAUTYDIRECTORY & beautyheaven Digital Content Producer

"I recently started taking Isotane for my acne (which makes skin more sensitive to sunlight), and because my skin is fair any way, I’m making it my mission to wear sunscreen every single day even indoors and outside of peak burn hours – because blue light can have an affect too!"

Care for the skin on my body more - Sarah Simpson | beautyheaven & Bauer Media Skincare Editor

"I am as vain as they come where my face is concerned, but I’m the first to admit how bone idle I am when it comes to moisturising my body. I would like to see 2019 being the year I actually remember to give the skin on my body some TLC."