This product scored top marks across the board in a recent trial

The beautyheaven Trial Teams are a panel of independent beauty product testers who are invited to put the latest industry launches through their paces. The verdict (good or bad) is then shared across the website and beyond. Whenever you see the 'Trial Team test' stamp across products, you can be sure it's a mark of authority. 

A recent Trial Team made up of fifty females aged 30-40, who had various hair concerns, took place with Batiste Luxe Dry Shampoo. The triallers were instructed to use the product daily on dry hair, or as often as needed, on any area of their hair, concentrating at the roots. They were advised to hold the can of dry shampoo 30cm away from the hair, spraying into the roots and massaging the product into the hair with the fingers before brushing out any excess.

Here's a snapshot of the results*:

And a further breakdown:

  • 94% of members had used a dry shampoo, before this trial.
  • 100% of members liked the fragrance of Batiste Luxe Dry Shampoo.
  • 98% of members found Batiste Luxe Dry Shampoo was easy to use.
  • 100% of members found Batiste Luxe Dry Shampoo was convenient to use.
  • 100% of members found Batiste Luxe Dry Shampoo revitalised your greasy, dull or lifeless hair.
  • 100% of members enjoyed their overall experience using Batiste Luxe Dry Shampoo.
  • 96% of members would recommend Batiste Luxe Dry Shampoo to their friends and family.
  • 88% of members are more likely to use other Batiste products after this trial.

*Editor's note - these statistics are approved for use across beauty content in magazines and online. 

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