Your guide to recession-proofing your hair

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve made it to 2023. We managed to live through a worldwide pandemic, where we weren’t able to see our loved ones for months on end. Not to mention all of the life experiences we missed out on. 

But we did it. In 2023, it seems life is slowly returning to normal. Concerts and events are back on, weddings are taking place, and we can hug our parents without fear. Sadly, it’s no secret that the pandemic has caused a massive blow to our economy, with rent prices skyrocketing and the price of vegetables leaving a dent in our pockets. This means that by the end of the week, most of us don’t have much left for luxuries.

During quarantine, I taught myself how to do at-home facials, manis and pedis, but there’s one part of my routine that I still haven’t been able to master: Hair.

I always leave my hair in the hands of professionals, even if it’s for something as simple as covering up my greys. But with the cost of living hitting hard, I wanted to know if there was a way my salon trips could be a little less frequent. In other words, how can I recession-proof my hair?

BEAUTYDIRECTORY spoke to ghd hair expert Mary Alamine, whose career spans nearly 20 years, so it’s safe to say she knows what she’s talking about. 

So if you too would like to know how to make the switch from high-maintenance living to effortlessly chic, then keep reading.

What are some 2023 hair trends we should be on the lookout for?  

You will definitely see the '90s making a comeback with voluminous blowouts, which I’m absolutely thrilled about. Who doesn’t love big hair? Coppers are really trending at the moment, and we’re also seeing people opting for warmer blondes for a softer result. 

What haircut/colour would you recommend for someone who wants something low-maintenance?   

Balayage has been trending for over a decade and is still one of the most popular services in the salon due to it requiring less maintenance. There are so many different balayage techniques that we use in salons to help clients achieve beautiful results, and are especially great if they want something low maintenance compared to normal colour. It definitely has a softer grow-out and is suitable for anyone looking to change their look.  

It’s no secret that the cost of living has increased. Do you have any tips on recession-proofing your hair?  

The best way to recession-proof your hair is to have low-maintenance colours like balayage, allowing for a softer regrowth look. Investing in great hair stylers, such as the new ghd duet style, is essential. The 2-in-1 function on this tool allows customers to style hair from wet to dry, providing affordable and fast in-salon quality styling at home.  

If someone were to invest in just three hair products, which three would you say are the most important? 

I’m someone that takes 10 hair products with me when I travel for three days, so this is a tough question for me to answer. However, if I had to choose three, I would definitely say a hydrating shampoo, mask and leave-in serum that also has heat protection. ghd’s new Sleek Talker is also perfect as it can be used before and after styling, providing smoothness, shine and heat protection.  

What ghd product can you not live without?  

The new ghd Sleek Talker is my favourite product to use before the ghd duet style and after as a shine serum to finish off my look.  

ghd has so many tools on the market. Which one would you recommend for those who want to have one tool that does it all? 

Again, I have to say the ghd duet style. The tool has broken the internet. Everyone has been waiting for ghd to release a 2-in-1 wet-to-dry styler, and I’m so excited that it’s finally here! My mind was blown when I used it for the first time. It’s so fast and makes your hair feel incredible. Not to mention you can use it as a normal styler and still use it on dry hair to curl, which is insane! I'm in love with it.  

Image credit: Instagram / @amandarobbinsmakeup_official