Q&A with lifestyle blogger Simone Pretscherer

Simone Anderson is arguably one of New Zealand's most talked about lifestyle bloggers. She's amassed a combined following across her platforms of over half a million and it's showing no signs of slowing down. We asked the latest blogger to join the bdNZ family about her journey and beauty routine.

When did your influencer journey begin and how did it come about?

It began about 2.5 years ago when I made the decision to change my lifestyle, I wanted to become a healthier version of myself and started documenting my journey online to keep myself accountable


How has social media impacted your weight loss and healthy eating journey?

I knew the more people I told about my journey and what I wanted to achieve the easier it would be for me to stick to it and not let anyone down. I started my page for a purely selfish reason and that was to keep myself accountable. It was my raw and honest journal so to speak of my day to day struggles and triumphs of extreme weight loss.


What are your top tips for easing your way into a healthier lifestyle?

To set small goals each week, whether this is fitting into a new pair of pants or going for a tramp with friends, it will be these small goals and wins along the way that keep you focused on the big end goal!

Tell as many friends and family members as possible the more people that know the more love and support you will receive along the way.


Do you use any supplements to help with diet and exercise? If yes, what do you use and why do you use them?

I have a morning protein shake every day to get a good boost of protein and keep me going throughout the day and then just take your basic multi-vitamins to ensure I am getting everything I need.


What are your top three beauty essentials?

A great moisturiser with sunblock (I am too lazy to bother with two different products!) so if it’s combined it’s a huge win-win for me.


What is your signature fragrance?

Michael by Michael Kors – every single time I wear this at least a handful of people will compliment me and ask what I am wearing.


What does your skincare regimen consist of?

 Currently I am loving Cosmedix, their cleanser followed by a serum and then moisturiser with added sunblock!