Latest NewsHealth

The products you need for good hand hygiene

BD has rounded up a selection of must-haves for protection, hydration and nourishment.

Magazines lift paywalls amidst health crisis

Popular magazines have lifted paywalls to help people stay informed about COVID-19.

The beauty boosters you need to know about

Coming into the cooler weather, keep your health in tip-top shape with these beauty boosters.

Beauty 101: Back to school essentials

From preventing head lice and sunburn to oral health and overall wellbeing, these products will have children protected.

Goop's Netflix trailer has officially landed

Netflix has released a new trailer that embraces Goop's controversial reputation.

The vitamin you need to know

Saturday November 2, marks National Vitamin D Day, dedicated to spreading awareness on vitamin D and the deficiencies that Australia is facing.

The Beauty Chef raises $10 million from new Aussie investment fund

Pioneers of the inner beauty industry, The Beauty Chef, has raised $10 million from Point King Capital.

Beauty 101: Mouth health

This week’s instalment of Beauty 101 is taking care of your chompers.

Sleep quality improved by pre-bedtime bath

Further research proves that relaxing in warm water will help regulate body temp and aid sleep.

Worldwide recall issued for breast implants tied to cancer

The FDA has taken action to protect women from a rare breast implant-associated cancer, anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).

How disrupted sleep patterns can influence behaviour at work

Science journalist and author, Linda Geddes, said that more workplaces should adopt “flexi working” in order to accommodate different employees.

10 brands with new-generation supplements

These supplements are stepping-up the variety within the industry.


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